Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm really not a cold weather person. I don't mean that in a "take it or leave it" sort of way. I mean the kind of dislike where I'd really rather just hole up in my house whenever the temperature drops to freezing. Luckily, living in Texas means I don't have to deal with really crazy cold weather all too often. We have it usually at least once a year, but most of the time it doesn't last all that long, and life goes on.

But here's something crazy: Today is our THIRD snow day in a row! And many schools are saying that they're on watch for tomorrow and Monday's weather as well! I believe the highest temperature we've had the last few days was in the twenties, which, for Texas, is unheard of. Now, I know you northerners are probably laughing at us right now, but just hold your abderian horses! (And see the previous post if you don't know what that word means! We're learning things. Look at that.) Here in Texas, when we get weather like this, it's not snow, per se. Sure, the first day it might be snow, but very soon, it just turns to ice. And being that we only get weather like this maybe once a year, nobody knows how to drive on icy roads. So yeah, everything pretty much shuts down after an inch or two of icy precipitation. Normally though, by midday it will have melted away thanks to the beautiful, warm sun. This time, it did not. It's just too darn cold. So quit laughing before Karma comes and smacks you upside the head with a 105 degree summer! (Just kidding...I don't really believe in Karma. But yourselves.)

So since Tuesday, I have not left my apartment. I keep seeing facebook posts about having cabin fever, but I'm really doing just fine. My roommate and I had just stocked up on groceries before the storm hit, so praise the Lord, we've got plenty of food and such. So we've just been working on homework and having movie marathons! My roommate (who, coincidentally, has the same name as I: Rebecca) has gone out once or twice, and yesterday bought us a few more movies to add to our limited collection. The thing is that we don't have cable, so movies are our only source of lazy visual entertainment. We're just too cheap to give in to the cable companies. Hey, we're college students.

Unfortunately, that means that we have probably seen every movie we own at least twice. And some of them we've seen too many times to keep count. We love Disney movies. The classics, you know. Or at least classics from our childhood. We don't have some of the true classics that I'd like to have, but we do have some of my childhood favorites like Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, Aristocats, Fox and the Hound, etc. I wouldn't necessarily put Tarzan or Mulan among the classics, but we have those too, among others. Since the snow in, I've been working on a drawing for my Drawing Concepts class, and while I've been working, we've been having our movie marathon. Here's a list of what we've watched so far (Hold on to your hats, this will be a long ride):

  • Miss Congeniality
  • The Mummy
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • Tarzan
  • Norbit
  • Pride and Prejudice
  • Anastasia
  • Aladin
  • The Devil Wears Prada
  • Deliver Us From Eva
  • Hunchback of Notredame
  • Rush Hour 2
  • Pocahontas
  • Space Jam
  • Jurasic Park

Phew...Ok, I think that's all, if not most of them. I may have missed one or two, but you get the point. But don't think we've been totally unproductive. Like I said, we've been doing homework while watching them. And my drawing is almost done. I'll post a picture of it when it's done. I'm quite pleased with it, and there's only a little more necessary to finish. It was actually due today, but seeing as the roads are still iced over and school is still cancelled, I was fortunate enough to have a little extra time on it, so I didn't have to kill myself about finishing it last night. I've also got to finish a painting for another class before Monday, though, so I've really got to get moving on that as well. I'm glad I brought that home after class on Monday!

Ok, time for the random fact of the day: did you know that on every continent there is a city called Rome? Interesting. 

And purely for your entertainment....
Yes, that is a snowman army. No, I did not make them. (Like I said, I've not gone outside since the 20 degree weather hit!) But that's pretty awesome. Not to mention somewhat intimidating. Maybe they're the ones scaring the sun away. But then, the sun is bigger and badder than any army of tiny snowmen. He could melt them all away with a single well-directed ray of warmth and wonderfulness. But who knows. Maybe he got a little intimidated. Hopefully he'll man-up soon and fight back! 

I'm so ready for summer.


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Rebecca Aragon
Hi! I'm a college student from Texas, getting an undergrad in painting. I'm enjoying life and discovering who I am in my art as I go along. I'm a painter and a graphic artist and I dabble in all sorts of other mediums as well.
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