Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Happy Tuesday! How are you today?
I'm doing well, and especially so since spring break starts this weekend! I'm so excited. 


I wanted to post some of my recent artwork and sketches. I'd like to start doing a sort of "sketch of the day" sort of thing. I don't know that it will really be an every-day thing, honestly...but I'll do my best. Maybe I'll try to start with a "sketch of the week" thing first, and then slowly progress to daily sketches. I don't know. We'll just have to see how it goes! Anyway, I'll start by posting some more finished pieces.

If you read the entry just below this one, you'll remember that I was talking about my Janet Fish project in my painting class. Well, I'm pleased to say that it's done!
The difficulty I had with it was that Fish tended to use glass and reflective objects in her still life to create the patterns and colors that she used in her works, but the still life in my class was made up of opaque objects, and few that were even slightly reflective. My solution was just to do my best to imitate her color use, and, where possible, try to incorporate a little bit of her patterning as well. I tried to really look for colors that objects were picking up and to exaggerate them and bring them out, making everything very vivid and bold. I tried to imitate the way she used color relationships as well. I'm pretty pleased with the result, though it by no means fully captures the intricacy and busy brilliance of Fish's paintings. 

I painted it on a canvas I built for the assignment. It's 4'x3', which is about as large as I've ever worked. It was fun, frustrating, and very time consuming. I spent about fifteen hours outside of class over the weekend working on it, plus the six or so that I spent in class, for a grand total of somewhere around 21 hours. Not terrible, but definitely enough to make me ready to be done with it! 

Here are some of the other pieces that have been occupying my time lately:
Abstract from Beginning Painting
Oil on Canvas, 30"x40"

Self Portrait, from Drawing Concepts
Watercolor and graphite on paper

Experimental media project from Drawing Concepts
Watercolor on wood panel


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Rebecca Aragon
Hi! I'm a college student from Texas, getting an undergrad in painting. I'm enjoying life and discovering who I am in my art as I go along. I'm a painter and a graphic artist and I dabble in all sorts of other mediums as well.
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To see more of my work in various mediums, visit my DeviantArt page and my website. I try to keep them updated with most of my work.
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