Friday, March 11, 2011
First off, let me take this moment to say....

IT'S SPRING BREAK! YAY!!! I have a whole week of no classes to look forward to! Though I do still have a lot of work to get done for classes....But oh well. It's still a break!

Ok, now that I've gotten that out, we can resume. I'm keeping my word and I have some sketches to post!

I started playing with a white conte crayon the other night, and then I found some gray pastel paper to work with it on. I've never used a white conte before, and started having a lot of fun with it! I got a little carried away, too....I was up till like 2:30 AM playing with doing figure drawings and such with it, knowing that I had an early class the next morning. Not the smartest move...but sometimes I get started and I just can't stop. Anyway, now I have two sheets used up front and back with figure sketches and such. I thought about spreading them out over several days of daily sketches, but I decided I'd just post them as a group, and they can count for yesterday, today, and tomorrow...and maybe the next day too, depending on when I can get more up!

Anyway, here they are, in the order in which I drew them. Some are more finished than others, but eh, they're sketches:


Unknown said...

Hello! Are you good at drawing and I tell you that I studied in an art school and I have the trained eye! congratulations! I will follow you!

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Rebecca Aragon
Hi! I'm a college student from Texas, getting an undergrad in painting. I'm enjoying life and discovering who I am in my art as I go along. I'm a painter and a graphic artist and I dabble in all sorts of other mediums as well.
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To see more of my work in various mediums, visit my DeviantArt page and my website. I try to keep them updated with most of my work.
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