Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Artists don't get down to work until the pain of working is exceeded by the pain of not working. - Stephen DeStaebler 

I did warn you that my "sketch of the day" was not likely to be a daily thing, and you can't say I didn't tell the truth. But I'm not giving it up completely! I have a sketch for you today, and I also have some clay projects to share as well.

These are just some scans of pages from my sketchbook where I was sketching people unawares. I have a friend who calls this "Ninja sketching." I think that pretty much sums it up. They're just loose, gestural drawings, trying to catch the impression of someone before they move -- or worse, discover that you're drawing them. *Gasp*

But as I mentioned, I'd also like to share a few of my current clay projects. They're still in the works, because they are all unglazed currently. I'll just give you a little peak into the in-progress works, and hopefully by the end of this semester, they will all be nicely glazed and I can show you the finished product. 
As usual, click to enlarge. 

I'm enjoying clay. It's a fun medium. Messy, and a very fast-paced class, but fun. 


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Rebecca Aragon
Hi! I'm a college student from Texas, getting an undergrad in painting. I'm enjoying life and discovering who I am in my art as I go along. I'm a painter and a graphic artist and I dabble in all sorts of other mediums as well.
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To see more of my work in various mediums, visit my DeviantArt page and my website. I try to keep them updated with most of my work.
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