Friday, July 8, 2011

7 minimalistic posters representing various mental disorders - 22 Words

I've been neglecting my blog lately! Summer, one would think, would mean an abundance of time to devote to blogging and other such ventures, but somehow, that time ends up getting spent doing other things...specifically, being lazy.

Anyway, I'm back! And hopefully the rest of the summer will bring some more posting.
This post, at any rate, is just to share this page that I just stumbled across. These minimalistic posters are really amazing. Simple, poignant, and communicative. Minimalism at its best!


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Rebecca Aragon
Hi! I'm a college student from Texas, getting an undergrad in painting. I'm enjoying life and discovering who I am in my art as I go along. I'm a painter and a graphic artist and I dabble in all sorts of other mediums as well.
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To see more of my work in various mediums, visit my DeviantArt page and my website. I try to keep them updated with most of my work.
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